Archives for posts with tag: meatless Monday

Just used some of the leftover vegetables from last night’s meal for this wrap. Simple and filling! Just need to be careful because I can eat so many of these without realizing how fast they can stuff you up!

I felt like it’s been a while since we had our meatless Monday meals. Well, here we are – back to somewhat of a normal meatless Monday routine…

Our meatless Monday meal today, ok, except for the soup. Eggs always save the day for the meatless meals. IMG_4822

Meatless Monday meal for the win!F4ECE8B9-683E-4BA7-AE04-4FB606B5A400

Two weeks into the Shelter in place, I was frantically looking for yeast. I was low to begin with and didn’t think much of it. I thought I can always buy it somewhere. Well, so does everyone else. Stay home, best thing to do – bake! Yeast is off the shelves everywhere across town. I was lucky to find one on line (though I had to pay premium for it). Nevertheless, I have one in hand! I waited a week before it delivered. I was so happy when it came.


Now that we can’t purchase items so freely, it’s truly a gift to be able to bake.


During these challenging times, it’s whatever I can get, I make. I’m grateful I can still have my meatless today.


Meatless Monday (spinach fried rice with napa cabbage and fried tofu) – stay healthy everyone!Resized_20200309_193427

Our meatless Monday meal., soup noodles with lots of goodies…


Adding some colors to our meatless meal today – purple cabbage, fried bean curd, onions, broccoli, and carrots.


This red beet soup (with chicken broth). The color of the soup is so incredibly vibrant!


Our meatless dumpling for our meatless Monday meal tonight. I worried this was  not enough for the boys.  After two bowls of soup, they were stuffed!


Made my own dumpling skin this time for fun. I made it with purple yam (water), and was hoping the color will be brighter. Unfortunately it didn’t, turned out greyish. That’s ok, my boys said, they loved it.
