Archives for posts with tag: pasta

Didn’t feel like going out nor in the mood to make anything fancy tonight, so just whip up some spaghetti with marinara and call it a night. What was a surprise was to receive flowers from Ah Lo! It’s the most beautiful bouquet I’ve ever received.

My MIL is running out of ideas to cook for my FIL since he is not eating much these days. I’m finding ways to make something outside of what they normally eat – which is home cooked Chinese food. In terms of food, they are not adventurous and are happy with the same food they have been eating for all these years. Anyway, so here I am, bringing something different to the table.

Found another recipe Eating Well Magazine – Smoked ham pangrattato pasta, and happy we tried something new today. I didn’t have some ingredients from the original recipe, so we switched a couple of items. I loved this meal and will definitely try again some other day.

Pasta saves the day when I’m in a crunch and need to whip up something quick. With homemade tomato sauce standing by, this didn’t take long! Another day, another home cooked meal.

Nothing special today – my sister and her family invited us to grabbing at Muir Beach in the afternoon. It was nice except the rain dampened the mood a little bit, especially when two of us got wet.. My BIL caught 3 crabs and offered us one, so at least we didn’t come home empty handed. I came home and made a simple spaghetti dish (good thing I prepped tomato sauce before hand).

Happy Valentine’s day everyone!

Fixing Frankenstein’s hair with black olives was a lot more work than I thought! (^‿^)

Otherwise, this came out to be a fun and delicious meal to get into the Halloween spirit!

Tonight’s theme is all about leftovers. I had some leftover meatballs which I used for the burger. My burger bun recipe makes like 10 buns, so I gave some to my sister and made smaller versions for the next day’s meal. The boys enjoyed it with a plate of fettuccini and tilapia fillet. The leftover eggplant and tomato we had yesterday, I roasted it with some cheese for our low carb version.


Made the lunch with low carbs and full blown carbs today.


This is our low carb meal (stuffed furry gourd). Originally wanted to make fries with some sweet yams, but I sliced them too thinly. So they turned out to be more like noodles but tasted surprisingly great.


For lunch today we had salmon with mango and avocado salsa, while the boys enjoyed it with (homemade) pesto pasta, Mr. Piggy and I had some cauliflower rice with greens. Lately, I felt I gained more energy after having these paleo inspired meals!


As I’m learning about this healthy diet, I learned paleo meals are surely an expensive plan. Everything should be organic, fresh, and sometimes certain ingredients are paleo specific. Luckily I’m not diving into this diet 100%, I do like to check out their meals for ideas.  I don’t think I can have this every day, my grocery bill will be going up the roof!
