Archives for posts with tag: countdown

Last year was supposed to be my last year with the Christmas countdown activities because the boys were so busy. Under normal circumstances, we will be just as busy, if not busier. This year I thought we weren’t going to do it. At last minute, I was able to pull this off. Instead of gifting this year, I had a different twist to it.

Let the countdown begin!

Today Ah Lo and his cousin are going head to head (competing for their own school) for the first time. This is the game we’ve been waiting for since the first day of  the season. Either my son or my nephew wins, it’s a win-win situation for me. LOL.

At the end, Ah Lo’s school didn’t make the cut. Because of this loss, the school will not have a seat at the playoff. It was pretty wild to watch him play this season. He has his ups and downs, but super proud of him for not giving up, for working hard, and for proving to himself and his coach that he deserves to be one of the starters.

Even though they didn’t take the trophy home, everyone goes home with a cookie!

Day 2 of boys’ acts of kindness…


For Christmas countdown this year, we’re going for giving. I got the boys to agree with me to do 24 acts of kindness every day. On days I couldn’t come up with something, I put down ‘random’ and let them decide what to do. I purposely leave those ‘random acts of kindness’ on Thursdays because those are the nights where we’re not rushed for any activities. The boys can share during dinner what they did on that day!

Let the countdown begin!


Day 1 – Volunteer at Food Bank

Today our Christmas countdown activity is trying out new food. We were at a restaurant and we found this – chicken feet. Dai Bee loves it, and my picky Ah Lo ate one. At least he tried it.IMG_7326

We stayed most of the day today. It was perfect since it was raining. We had a load of chores to do, rooms to clean and cookies to bake!

As one of the Christmas countdown activity, the boys get to request their favorite lunch, and of course, it’s the clay pot rice that they wanted. Easy peasy, whipped it up with a Christmas feel and we’re all set. It’s really looking a lot like Christmas.  IMG_7285

A Friday ritual.

A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.

A simple, special, extraordinary moment.

A moment I want to pause, savor and remember – {this moment}


Our countdown activity for tonight is to enjoy a red and green meal. That’s exactly what’s happening!IMG_7213IMG_7212

Our countdown activity yesterday – to Hike!

It was pouring in the morning (luckily we were indoors). By the time we finished lunch, the weather cleared. We stopped by the library and decided to take a stroll to burn off the calories. I was hesitant at first because the trail might be super muddy (and it was). I figured a short hike won’t hurt. Oh, and that earthy smell of nature after a rain is definitely on top of a list of “good smells” (if there’s such a list).IMG_6997IMG_6985On our way back to get our car, we stumbled upon his hidden gem (Tanker Hill). Not sure if it’s hidden or because of the weather, there was not a single soul in sight. We had the entire place to ourselves. We all took a moment to absorb this beauty before it got too windy.  Spontaneity can be nice, sometimes, especially in this kind of situations.IMG_7014

It’s here! December is here! You know what that means, we’re officially counting down to Christmas 2018. This year the countdown activity is hidden in the form of [super easy] What Am I riddles. It’s harder to think of activities for these guys now since they’re older and with so many activities happening during the weeknights (homework, practices, concerts, etc.)IMG_7095