Archives for posts with tag: quote

this is so true…

“I want to read more because I want be smart.”

by: Ah Lo

It’s that time of year again! Ah Lo’s school had their annual holiday performance today. I remembered the first time when I saw Dai Bee performing, I was thrilled! I was truly touched by the amazing efforts the teachers put together to get 2-1/2 to 4 year olds to do such an outstanding performance! Every year, there would be a new theme, a new skit, sometimes even new songs. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy the show. Not only the teacher’s hard work that got recognized, but the children worked just as diligent!

In the skit, Ah Lo was one of the Angels who announced to the people when Jesus was born.

A few days before the performance, I was told by the Director that Ah Lo needs to be in a suit because he will be doing a dancing segment. I asked everyone I knew to see if they have one to lend. I got one (from another parent) but it was a bit too big for Ah Lo. On top of it, it needed to be dry-clean after it was worn. I thought of just buying one. However, at the very last minute, I remembered I bought a tuxedo a few years ago for Dai Bee (on my sister’s wedding). Luckily, it barely fitted. Here’s my angel who looked as handsome as ever!

Here’s a random quote:

Mama, you know how much I loooooove peanuts? Well, I love you more than I love peanuts. It’s true.

by: Ah Lo

I love you so much, mama, I don’t know what to do without you.

by: Dai Bee

Mama, I love you so much I will marry you when I grow up…

by: Ah Lo

Mama, I will stop loving you the day when I hear the birds mooing or the cat barking…Since that will never happen, it just means I will never stop loving you…

by Dai Bee

“If your kids feel loved, everything else falls into place.” Michelle Obama

A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.

George Santayana

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Leo F. Buscaglia